Who Attends State Bowl?
Global Issues Teams
Coach’s Best: For each coach who has 3 or more teams in a division, the coach’s highest scoring team will qualify for State Bowl.
Highest Ranked: All other teams are compared to each other to determine an overall ranking. The highest ranked teams qualify for State.
Global Issues Individuals
Qualified Year-Long: Year-long individuals may qualify for State with high quality booklets. If they do not receive a qualification, they may still attend as a coach’s individual.
Coach’s Individuals: A coach may bring one individual for each team that qualifies to attend State Bowl. This individual will participate in the individual competition and be eligible to qualify for the InternationaI Conference.
MAGIC Individuals: In addition, coaches may bring additional individual students to compete on MAGIC (Muti Area Global Issue Competition) teams at State Bowl. The number of MAGIC students a coach can bring is dependent on how many teams he/she registered for the year. All individuals MUST be trained FPSers who have completed booklets as an individual or with a team for at least two of the topics for the year. All individuals should participate in the skit competition, either with a team, as a group of 3-4 individuals from a district, or by joining individuals from other districts. We will work this out as we go.
Community Projects
First and second place CmPS teams and individuals are invited to present their projects during the Opening Ceremony. Teams and individuals who have scored high enough to qualify for the International Conference MUST present at State Bowl in order to be moved on. Other CmPS participants may also be invited to present at State.
Creative Writers & Storytellers
First, second, and third place creative writers and storytellers will read/perform their stories following the Opening Ceremony. Scenario writers who are also Global Issues FPSers but are not on a qualified team may also participate in the individual competition or the scenario team writing competition.
What Happens at State Bowl?
Opening Ceremony
Teams are introduced as they carry in banners they created
Scenario Awards are presented
CmPS winning teams present their projects
CmPS awards are given
Scenario readings
All students and coaches hear the top three scenario readings in their division
Zippy Challenge
Students meet with others from different cities. Together they complete a challenging task.
Team and Individual Competitions
Teams and individuals have two hours to complete the assigned problem
for state competition
CmPS teams have an interview
Scenario writers join together to form teams and write a story
Coaches’ Meeting
Coaches meet and share while their students are solving the problem
Presentation of Action Plan Preparation
At State Bowl, students must create a skit to sell the Action Plan they developed during competition. They are given a list of items they may use to make props. They must also incorporate an assigned quote and an impromptu prop.
Students collect items from their towns/cities and trade with each other. Fun!
Presentation of Action Plan Presentations
Students present their skits. Each division is in a different room. Parents often attend.
Awards Ceremony
Awards are given for skit presentations, individual and team problem solving.